Yarra Valley Water


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Urban Water Strategy

Each metropolitan water corporation produces an Urban Water Strategy. This document outlines how to effectively manage the increasing demand for water and rising sewage volumes in the face of population growth and climate change. The strategies also align with Water for Victoria, the State Government’s long-term plan for managing our precious water resources.

Our Urban Water Strategy identifies what we need to do to ensure water availability for the next 50 years. It also outlines specific actions for the next five years. The way we deliver water and sanitation services will change with technological and other innovations. But what customers require will likely stay the same: continued access to clean, affordable water and effective waste management. Our customers will also be looking to keep and improve on what makes Melbourne one of the world's most liveable cities, such as green open spaces and an improved environment, including healthy rivers and streams.

Urban Water Strategy (7.77 MB)

Water for a Future-Thriving Melbourne

Our Urban Water Strategy has been produced in collaboration with the other metropolitan water corporations: City West Water, Melbourne Water and South East Water. The four documents have consistent planning assumptions. A separate document for Melbourne summarising the four strategies has been produced. You can download a copy below.

Water for a Future-Thriving Melbourne (7.91 MB)