Doreen to Diamond Creek Sewerage Project
We have constructed new sewerage infrastructure in Doreen, Yarrambat and Diamond Creek to ensure the reliability of the sewerage system, cater for growth in Melbourne’s northern suburbs, and reduce the likelihood of sewage spilling into the environment during heavy rain events.
Project details
The project involved constructing a new 10-kilometre-long section of sewer pipe, and 17 new sewer maintenance holes, within parkland and road reserves in Doreen, Yarrambat and Diamond Creek.
Building the underground sewer pipe involved our contractor upgrading or replacing an existing sewer pipe.
Construction details
Our contractor, MFJ Constructions, worked in some public parkland and along-side of local streets, see map below.
Project timeline
Construction started in March 2019, and was completed in November 2021.
Community impacts
These works did not affect water, recycled water or sewerage services in the area.
Despite our efforts to minimise the impacts of these works on the local community, people did at times notice construction noise, dust, and traffic disruptions. A Council-approved traffic management plan was put in place to make sure workers, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists were safe.
Why can’t I connect to the sewer network?
Due to the depth at which the new pipe will be laid, and the high-pressure levels within the pipe itself, the new sewer pipe is not suitable for nearby properties to connect to for a sewerage service.
Project updates
November 2021, sewer pipe is operating
- We want to thank our customers and the community for their patience while we’ve worked to ensure the reliability of the sewerage system in Melbourne’s north, by installing 10 kilometres of new sewer pipes.
- Murray Road is now resurfaced.
April 2021, project update
- Most construction of the new sewer main is complete, but minor construction works to get the new pipeline ready for operation continues. This includes installing valves, completing connections, and final quality checks.
- Restoration of Murray Road is underway, the spray sealing of this road will be finished by July 2021.
- Construction work on Watkins Street is underway and will be finished by July 2021.
January 2021 - Murray Road, Diamond Creek
- Currently, our main area of work is along Murray Road in Diamond Creek. Murray Road is currently only open for local traffic, while these works take place. We will contact you in advance if we need to temporarily block your driveway.
- When we finish the sewer construction in Murray Road, we will resurface the road with a spray seal to reduce dust and improve its driving surface
October 2020 - Ironbark and Murray roads, Diamond Creek
- Our most noticeable works are occurring along Ironbark and Murray roads, in Diamond Creek.
- Murray Road will need to be closed and only open for local traffic, while most of these works take place. We will contact you in advance if we need to temporarily block your driveway.
- At the conclusion of the sewer construction in Murray Road, we will resurface the road with a spray seal to reduce dust and improve its driving surface.
April 2020 - project update
- Our most noticeable works are occurring along Collins Street, Ironbark Road and Yan Yean Road.
- We are managing traffic to ensure our workers, drivers and pedestrians are safe. Traffic should be able to move freely at most times.
- Footpaths will remain open and people will be able to access their driveways. If we do need to temporarily block your driveway, we’ll contact you in advance.
October 2019 - project update
- Our most noticeable works are occurring in the road reserve alongside Yan Yean Road, between Yarrambat Park and Ironbark Road.
- Other works have recently started in Watkins Street, Diamond Creek. Some traffic management may be required on occasion, however traffic flow should be able to move freely at most times.
- The section of works in Murray Road are ongoing.
- The works in Diamond Creek have experienced delays and tunnelling under Main Street is taking much longer than expected due to very hard underground rock. This section of work is now expected to be completed in early 2020.
September 2019 - Main Street, Diamond Creek
Since June 2019, MFJ Constructions has been constructing a 150-metre long section of sewer pipe by tunnelling underground beneath Main Street, at the intersection of Collins Street and Bage Street. New sewer manholes are also being built in the side of the road of Collins Street and Bage Street.

This section of work is taking longer to complete due to the presence of very hard underground rock.
This section of works is scheduled to be completed in early 2020, depending on good weather and ground conditions. MFJ Constructions will be working Monday to Friday from 7.00am to 3.30pm, and on Saturdays from 8.00am to 1.30pm.
People living or driving close to the works area will notice noise from machines and trucks during work hours.
Traffic flow along Main Street won’t be affected, however part of Bage Street will be closed, including overnight and on weekends. Vehicles will be able to access Bage Street properties by following the detour via Galatea Street. A traffic management plan will be in effect during work hours to ensure the safety of workers, pedestrians and motorists.
Footpaths will remain open throughout the works, and people will be able to access their driveways.
Avoiding disrupting significant Aboriginal sites
In February 2018 our design consultant, Jacobs, conducted extensive investigations on the banks of Plenty River to see if there were any Aboriginal artefacts (such as stones).
After finding a large stone artefact scatter (close to 400 artefacts) that extended several hundred metres, Jacobs consulted with the local Registered Aboriginal Party (the Wurundjeri) and Yarra Valley Water to negotiate a different construction technique to the traditional open-cut excavation method. When working near the Plenty River area, our contractor bored our pipes underground, which protected the archaeological site from harm.
The stone artefacts that were recovered have been analysed and contribute important information to the story of past Aboriginal life in what is now greater Melbourne.
Protecting the environment
By undertaking this project, Yarra Valley Water protected the local environment and waterways by reducing the likelihood of sewage spills during heavy rainfall events.
We have completed extensive environmental investigations to choose the best construction methods and reduce environmental impacts during construction.
Building pipes with less impact
To reduce the impact of our works on established trees and the environment, and to avoid disturbing areas where aboriginal artefacts have been discovered, most of the new pipe was constructed using a machine to bore a tunnel under the surface, and then pushing lengths of pipe into the underground tunnel.
Watch how we build pipes by drilling underground.
Contact us
If you have any questions or feedback about this project, please contact the project manager, Leon Holewa, on 9872 1470 or email