Wallan Sewage Treatment Plant
We’ve upgraded our Wallan Sewage Treatment Plant to service new developments to the north of Melbourne and to cater for further growth.
As new developments are completed, we will be able to supply properties with recycled water suitable for toilet flushing, watering gardens, washing cars and for laundry use.
Proposed discharge to Merri Creek
The Wallan Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is producing more recycled water than there is current demand for it, so we have been looking at various ways to dispose of the excess water.
Our solution is to partially upgrade the irrigation and storage capacity of the STP, and to periodically discharging any excess water under controlled conditions to Merri Creek via Taylors Creek.
The Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has granted Yarra Valley Water a discharge licence to do this. Our proposed discharge is based on a comprehensive Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA).
Wallan STP upgrade details
The STP is located south east of Wallan, between the rail line and the Hume Freeway and currently services the townships of Wallan, Wallan East, Wandong and Heathcote Junction. It now has the capacity to service the new development corridor extending from Craigieburn to Wallan as well as the expanding Wallara Waters and Mandalay developments.
The Wallan STP upgrade is part of a $200 million investment in new sewerage infrastructure that will ultimately connect Wallan and surrounds to Melbourne’s metropolitan sewerage network. Under the current growth predictions, the new infrastructure is scheduled for completion in 2021.
Once all the new infrastructure is constructed, the STP will operate as a ‘sewer mine’. This means we will be able to pump the required amount of sewage from the sewer, treat it to meet recycled water demands, and divert excess sewage to Melbourne’s metropolitan sewerage network. Until then we will need to have alternative wastewater disposal arrangements in place.
Watch our video about constructing the Wallan STP.
Contact us
If you have questions or feedback about the project, please contact the project manager, Kimjan Achilles on 9872 1751 or by email [email protected]