Yarra Valley Water


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Statement of Compliance

A Statement of Compliance is required from all relevant authorities before you can formally proceed to subdividing land.

Before requesting a Statement of Compliance, please ensure you have met all of your obligations in your Conditions of Connection.

Requesting a Statement of Compliance

  • E-mail your request
  • Include the following in the subject line: "SOC – Address – Date of Request"
  • In your email, state if you are:
    • seeking a Statement of Compliance, or
    • requesting what requirements are outstanding.

Once we receive this email, we will assess your request and respond within 1-3 working days.

What you need to know

  • The development must comply with the Build Over Easement Guidelines.
  • An updated Property Sewerage Plan must be emailed to us.
  • Easements must be created on the Plan of Subdivision over any existing or proposed Yarra Valley Water assets.
  • New Customer Contribution fees are required to be paid.
  • Water and sewerage services are required to be extended to each individual lot within the development.
  • The Plan of Subdivision must include easements under Section 12(2) of the Subdivision Act or an Owners Corporation schedule.

Section 173 Agreements

This is a legal contract made between the Council and usually the land owner under Section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

When you apply to develop land with Yarra Valley Water, the applicant will be provided with Yarra Valley Water’s Conditions of Connection and Consent. These Conditions are separate to any agreement made with the Council. Yarra Valley Water does not recognise the Section 173 agreement, and will therefore require all conditions to be met prior to issuing a Statement of Compliance.