Woodstock Sewerage Project
What was involved
This project included:
- a new sewage pump station. This includes a below-ground wet well, 5-meter diameter and 14 meters deep, and an emergency storage well, 5-meter diameter, 12.5 meters deep
- a new sewer rising main (1220m) along the northern side of Donnybrook Road
- pipeline connections to:
- The Darebin branch sewer, approximately 450 meters long.
- The Woodstock branch sewer, approximately 20 meters long.
- A non-drinking/recycled water main approximately 120 meters long.
- A drinking water main, approximately 370 meters long.
The new sewer pipeline, within an open cut trench, connects to existing pipes in the Atticus and Peppercorn Hill estates.
Both the pump station and pipelines were built by MFJ Constructions. Work started in February 2022 and was completed in 2024.
View fact sheet for Woodstock sewerage project (PDF 420KB)
Photo: February 2022

More information
For more information about this project, contact, Haroon Nawaz, Senior Project Manager, on
03 9872 2401 or email [email protected].